Change of season (again, how fast do they come around!) means change in skin, anyone else starting to notice sudden changes in their skin again? Now iso life / stress associated with it has not helped but in the change of weather I’m noticing a few we are seeing a lot of changes in skin, including our own!
It's not always cost effective having your winter and summer skin collection, but to have a few different products or ingredients on rotation can seriously help!
Coming into the silly season, we are wanting to feel (and look!) our best.
To focus on keeping the skin glowing, winter is the time for perfecting the skin, summer is the time for maintain and showing off that glow up!
Some tips for surviving the changes in your skin:
Rotate some of your skincare goodies, SPF is obviously a must every day especially more so in summer, but you may not need as thick, nourishing moisturizers this time of year and oils, while in the cooler months can be great, in warmer climates they can aid in blocking the skin and sometimes feeling to heavy. SO lighter weight muli-use moisturizers (2/1 antioxidant, light weight hydrator from Aspect DR we love, or 3/1 light weight moisturizer, Vitamin C for collagen and pigment, AND an antioxidant from Mesoestetic, we LOVE!)
Antioxidant intake both internally, so your mangoes, kale, apricots, blueberries, raspberry's, strawberry's- give us all the berries! Externally as well, Affirm keeping your skin hydrated, plump and using free radicals to provide energy to the skin
Increase water intake- coming into the warmer, sunnier days its much easier to start drinking more water (and less coffee- guilty), add in some berries and lemon for additional antioxidants and nutrients, get that skin glowing from the inside!
Boost your barrier! Weekly at home masks can be fab for keeping your skin healthy and glowing through the busy season, working to hard? Or hardly working to much?! We love masks that are easy to use, can be slept in for convenience and re-energize the skin, leaving you staying golden all the time, they can also be left in the fridge to help de-puff warm skin and cool and calm!